Diamond Tip Microdermabrasion is a technique which consists of manual exfoliation of the skin's outer surface. The tip of the wand used in Microdermabrasion is made of natural diamond chips, which polish the skin and remove dead cells. The result is smooth, shiny and healthy looking skin.
The natural diamond tip is new technology that it is easier to control than prior methods and it doesn't irritate the skin. A series of 6 treatments is recommended to get the best results.
Diamond microdermabrasion relies on microdermabrasion tips covered in tiny diamonds to perform skin exfoliation. When the diamond microdermabrasion tip makes contact with the skin it abrades against the top layer pulling it off. The microdermabrasion machine then sucks the loose dead skin cells away from the face. Otherwise, diamond and crystal microdermabrasion peel procedures are exactly the same in that the treatment provider passes the wand over each area of your skin three times.
One advantage of diamond crystal free microdermabrasion is that the dead skin cells are accumulated onto a cotton filter and you can see exactly what was removed from your skin after the treatment is finished.
Diamond microdermabrasion tips can be natural but are usually synthetic because of the lower costs. The diamonds on the microdermabrasion tip are actually thousands of tiny diamond particles which are uniformly sized. Diamond microdermabrasion machines come with an assortment of tips of varying sizes. The appropriate diamond tip to use depends on the patient’s individual skin conditionBy having more choice in which diamond tip to use, diamond microdermabrasion offers greater customisation of treatment. Diamond microdermabrasion machines can come with anywhere between 2 – 9 different microdermabrasion tips.
Diamond microdermabrasion tips are not disposable which means great care has to be taken in cleaning them between treatments. Diamond microdermabrasion tips are sterilised in steam, alcohol or UV light.

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